Document Information Panel

Last modified by Michael Hamann on 2022/01/27

Add settings or information to the document information panel used in edit mode


The content of the document information panel displayed in Wiki and WYSIWYG edit mode is completely based on extensions of this extension point. This can be used to both display additional information/links as well as additional settings, as shown in the following screenshot with the activation status of heading numbering where the area of the extension point as well as the individual extensions are highlighted with red boxes:



This Extension Point is contributed by this extension and was added in version 14.0-rc-1 of that extension.

Extension Id
Content to be provided

At least one <dt>-element and as many <dd>-elements as desired such that its content can be used as part of a definition list in the vertical form layout. Note that this means that the HTML macro with the clean parameter set to false must be used.

Parameters to be provided
  • order: The order in which the item will be displayed. The content provided by XWiki Standard has orders 100 (default locale), 200 (syntax), 300 (hidden status) and 1000 (included pages).


  The following shows how a UI for activating heading numbering can be displayed. The activation status is stored in the property of an XObject which is created on-the-fly if it doesn't exist yet:

{{template name="display_macros.vm" /}}

{{html clean="false"}}
<dt><label for="NumberedHeadings.Code.NumberedHeadingsClass_0_status">$escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('numbered.headings.activationUI.label'))</label></dt>
#displayObjectProperty('NumberedHeadings.Code.NumberedHeadingsClass.status' 'edit')
<input name="objectPolicy" type="hidden" value="updateOrCreate" />

 Additionally, the parameter order=500 is set.

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