XWiki Enterprise 2.5.2 Release Notes

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

This is the last bugfix release for the 2.5 series.

New and Noteworthy

  • XWIKI-5915 - Cannot log in using Safari
  • XWIKI-5508 - Velocity error on a revision view when including a page with fewer versions
  • XWIKI-5910 - PDF export fails with an exception when there are duplicate IDs in the exported XML
  • XWIKI-4904 - Custom displayers in syntax 2.0 cannot access their variables
  • XWIKI-5426 - The caret jumps at the start of the document when pressing Ctrl+Down inside a table cell
  • XWIKI-5661 - Properties for user types are missing in ApplicationResources.properties
  • XWIKI-5721 - Created URLs are relative to the context wiki rather than the request wiki
  • XWIKI-5723 - It's difficult to edit section titles (headings) in Internet Explorer
  • XWIKI-5762 - CSRF token generation fails on Glassfish
  • XWIKI-5845 - Selecting "Relational Storage" without "Multiselect" for list properties causes loss of data during import or rollback
  • XWIKI-5846 - Empty date values are replaced with the current date when importing or rolling back
  • XWIKI-5881 - Incorrect javadoc for c.x.x.api.Context#dropPermissions()
  • XWIKI-5884 - Javascript error in IE when editing documents
  • XWIKI-5895 - Adding an image in the WYSIWYG editor and previewing it without saving the page first makes the XWiki page corrupt.
  • XWIKI-5911 - JS Error when clicking on a link to a non existing page when there are document templates defined
  • XWIKI-5892 - Implement Cache on getTreeList in DBTreeListClass
  • XWIKI-4322 - Add a {{cache}} macro
  • XE-743 - Apache proxy breaks icons on the Dashboard (again)
  • XE-765 - Improve caching of skin extensions
  • XTROOT-5 - The Main WebHome page is rendered when viewing any page under Google Chrome
  • XPXARPLUGIN-15 - File names with non-ASCII characters aren't recognized in the final XAR

Known issues

  • There's a bug in the import that will make the Main.Spaces and XWiki.TagCloud pages not work anymore after they are imported. You need to resave them with a user having Admin rights.
  • Bugs we know about

Backward Compatibility and Migration Notes

General Notes

Always make sure you compare your xwiki.cfg file with the newest version since some configuration parameters were added. Note you should add xwiki.store.migration=1 so that XWiki will attempt to automatically migrate your current database to the new schema. Make sure you backup your Database before doing anything.

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